Brand manifesto: Conquer your audience!

This text has been updated and replaces the one produced on July 7, 2017.

Making your brand’s voice heard is now more critical than ever. One of the best ways to do that is to write a brand manifesto! This powerful text sets out the principles of your company.

It’s about putting down on paper the reason that pushes you to get up every morning.

Manifest your identity and your beliefs.

In short, the brand manifesto is a text that summarizes the essence of your company, intending to inspire and generate strong emotions. By using certain storytelling mechanisms, your brand manifesto will bring your company’s identity to life.

Including your welcome kit also becomes the perfect introduction to your company (and employer brand) for newcomers. It contributes to building a coherent image- those who read it will have the feeling of being a part of your mission.

Your manifesto should emphasize your intentions rather than your products or services.

Give your word, and keep it!

A brand manifesto generally answers two questions: who you are and where you’re going. Therefore, it becomes a question of showcasing your values and making commitments. These must guide your company’s and employees’ actions, which is why your manifesto should be part of your hiring package.

Two audiences, two effects, one objective

The message retained by your customers must be the following: This company has convictions, it knows where it’s going, and it is not afraid to say it.

To your employees, your manifesto must inspire them to participate in your mission; it must make them feel like they are part of something big, beautiful and motivating.

Ultimately, it helps ensure that everyone is confidently heading in the same direction.

Our advice: have fun!

When it comes time to write your brand manifesto, forget the rules. If your text is honest and resonates with you, it will resonate with your readers.

When it comes to form, get creative and write a manifesto that shines as bright as your corporate identity. It can be a long text, a simple statement, or a list of commandments. If audacity is part of your DNA, make a video, an infographic, or even a comic strip! As long as you stay true to your brand, anything goes.

If one prohibition remains, however, it’s this: shyness. By reading your manifesto, your target audience should understand what you do and why you do it. Be proud and leave no room for doubt.

A little help

Even with no official rules, starting with a solid basis can be beneficial. Here’s our homemade recipe for the perfect manifesto- adapt to your needs!

  1. A catchy title that can even be used as a corporate signature.
  2. The story is around a unifying subject that opens a window into your company’s universe.
  3. The statement of the problems experienced by your customers.
  4. Your solutions to these problems.
  5. Your approach and your values.
  6. A brief and well-felt conclusion that will tie everything together.

After seeing the structure of the definitive text, let’s tackle the content. To write your manifesto, you can draw inspiration from the following statements:

  • Our certainties are…
  • We believe in…
  • Our source of motivation is…
  • We are responsible for…
  • Our watchword is…
  • Our customers trust us because…

Are you still suffering from blank page syndrome? No need to panic! Our editors have enough inspiration for everyone; contact them!

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